
Everything is typed in Erg. Types themselves are no exception. kind represents the "type of type". For example, Int belongs to Type, just as 1 belongs to Int. Type is the simplest kind, the atomic kind. In type-theoretic notation, Type corresponds to *.

In the concept of kind, what is practically important is one or more kinds (multinomial kind). One-term kind, for example Option, belongs to it. A unary kind is represented as Type -> Type 1. A container such as Array or Option is specifically a polynomial kind that takes a type as an argument. As the notation Type -> Type indicates, Option is actually a function that receives a type T and returns a type Option T. However, since this function is not a function in the usual sense, it is usually called the unary kind.

Note that -> itself, which is an anonymous function operator, can also be seen as a kind when it receives a type and returns a type.

Also note that a kind that is not an atomic kind is not a type. Just as -1 is a number but - is not, Option Int is a type but Option is not. Option etc. are sometimes called type constructors.

assert not Option in Type
assert Option in Type -> Type

So code like the following will result in an error: In Erg, methods can only be defined in atomic kinds, and the name self cannot be used anywhere other than the first argument of a method.

# K is an unary kind
K: Type -> Type
K T = Class ...
    foo x = ... # OK, this is like a so-called static method
    bar self, x = ... # TypeError: cannot define a method to a non-type object
    baz self, x = ... # OK

Examples of binary or higher kinds are {T: U}(: (Type, Type) -> Type), (T, U, V)(: (Type, Type, Type) - > Type), ... and so on.

There is also a zero-term kind () -> Type. This is sometimes equated with an atomic kind in type theory, but is distinguished in Erg. An example is Class.

Nil = Class()

Containment of kind

There is also a partial type relation, or rather a partial kind relation, between multinomial kinds.

K T = ...
L = Inherit K
L<: K

That is, for any T, if L T <: K T, then L <: K, and vice versa.

∀T. L T <: K T <=> L <: K

higher kind

There is also a higher-order kind. This is a kind of the same concept as a higher-order function, a kind that receives a kind itself. (Type -> Type) -> Type is a higher kind. Let's define an object that belongs to a higher kind.

IntContainerOf K: Type -> Type = K Int
assert IntContainerOf Option == Option Int
assert IntContainerOf Result == Result Int
assert IntContainerOf in (Type -> Type) -> Type

The bound variables of a polynomial kind are usually denoted as K, L, ..., where K is K for Kind.

set kind

In type theory, there is the concept of a record. This is almost the same as the Erg record 2.

# This is a record, and it corresponds to what is called a record in type theory
{x = 1; y = 2}

When all record values ​​were types, it was a kind of type called a record type.

assert {x = 1; y = 2} in {x = Int; y = Int}

A record type types a record. A good guesser might have thought that there should be a "record kind" to type the record type. Actually it exists.

log Typeof {x = Int; y = Int} # {{x = Int; y = Int}}

A type like {{x = Int; y = Int}} is a record kind. This is not a special notation. It is simply an enumeration type that has only {x = Int; y = Int} as an element.

Point = {x = Int; y = Int}
Pointy = {Point}

An important property of record kind is that if T: |T| and U <: T then U: |T|. This is also evident from the fact that enums are actually syntactic sugar for refinement types.

# {c} == {X: T | X == c} for normal objects, but
# Equality may not be defined for types, so |T| == {X | X <: T}
{Point} == {P | P <: Point}

U <: T in type constraints is actually syntactic sugar for U: |T|. A kind that is a set of such types is commonly called a set kind. Setkind also appears in the Iterator pattern.

Iterable T = Trait {
    .Iterator = {Iterator}
    .iter = (self: Self) -> Self.Iterator T

Type inference for polynomial kinds

Container K: Type -> Type, T: Type = Patch K(T, T)
Container (K).
    f self = ...
Option T: Type = Patch T or NoneType
    f self = ...
Fn T: Type = Patch T -> T
    f self = ...
Fn2 T, U: Type = Patch T -> U
Fn2(T, U).
    f self = ...

(Int -> Int).f() # which one is selected?

In the example above, which patch would the method f choose? Naively, Fn T seems to be chosen, but Fn2 T, U is also possible, Option T includes T as it is, so any type is applicable, Container K , T also matches `->`(Int, Int), i.e. Container(`->`, Int) as ```Int -> Int`. So all four patches above are possible options.

In this case, patches are selected according to the following priority criteria.

  • Any K(T) (e.g. T or NoneType) preferentially matches Type -> Type over Type.
  • Any K(T, U) (e.g. T -> U) matches (Type, Type) -> Type preferentially over Type. *Similar criteria apply for kind of 3 or more.
  • The one that requires fewer type variables to replace is chosen. For example, Int -> Int is T -> T rather than K(T, T) (replacement type variables: K, T) or T -> U (replacement type variables: T, U). `(replacement type variable: T) is matched preferentially.
  • If the number of replacements is also the same, an error is given as being unselectable.

1 In type theory notation, *=>*

2 There are subtle differences such as visibility.