
Tuples are similar to arrays, but can hold objects of different types. Such a collection is called an unequal collection. In contrast, homogeneous collections include arrays, sets, etc.

t = (1, True, "a")
(i, b, s) = t
assert(i == 1 and b == True and s == "a")

The tuple t can retrieve the nth element in the form t.n; note that unlike Python, it is not t[n]. This is because accessing tuple elements is more like an attribute (the existence of the element is checked at compile time, and the type can change depending on n) than a method (an array's [] is a method).

assert t.0 == 1
assert t.1 == True
assert t.2 == "a"

Parentheses () are optional when not nested.

t = 1, True, "a"
i, b, s = t

Tuples can hold objects of different types, so they cannot be iterated like arrays.

t: ({1}, {2}, {3}) = (1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 3).iter().map(x -> x + 1) # TypeError: type ({1}, {2}, {3}) has no method `.iter()`
# If all types are the same, they can be represented by `(T; n)` like arrays, but this still does not allow iteration
t: (Int; 3) = (1, 2, 3)
assert (Int; 3) == (Int, Int, Int)

However, nonhomogeneous collections (such as tuples) can be converted to homogeneous collections (such as arrays) by upcasting, intersecting, and so on. This is called equalization.

(Int, Bool, Str) can be [T; 3] where T :> Int, T :> Bool, T :> Str
t: (Int, Bool, Str) = (1, True, "a") # non-homogenous
a: [Int or Bool or Str; 3] = [1, True, "a"] # homogenous
_a: [Show; 3] = [1, True, "a"] # homogenous
_a.iter().map(x -> log x) # OK
t.try_into([Show; 3])? .iter().map(x -> log x) # OK


A tuple with zero elements is called a unit. A unit is a value, but also refers to its own type.

unit = ()
(): ()

Unit is a superclass of all tuples.

() :> (Int; 0)
() :> (Str; 0)
() :> (Int, Str)

The use of this object is for procedures with no arguments and no return value, etc. Erg subroutines must have arguments and a return value. However, in some cases, such as a procedure, there may be no meaningful arguments or return value, only side effects. In such cases, we use units as "meaningless, formal values.

p!() =.
    # `print!` does not return a meaningful value
    print! "Hello, world!"
p!: () => () # The parameter part is part of the syntax, not a tuple

However, Python tends to use None instead of units in such cases. In Erg, you should use () when you are sure from the beginning that the operation will not return a meaningful value, such as in a procedure, and return None when there is a possibility that the operation will fail and you will get nothing, such as when retrieving an element.